Included schema Mapmatching.xsd
Namespace No namespace
attribute form default: unqualified
element form default: qualified
Element Mapmatching / Crawler
Namespace No namespace
Defines parameters to configure the crawling algorithm.
Diagram Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_Crawler_movingDistanceRangeFactor Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_Crawler_movingDistanceRangeMinimum Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_Crawler_movingDistanceRangeMaximum Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_Crawler_maximumCrawlingJunctionCount Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_Crawler_crawlingCountTunnelJunctions Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_Crawler_maximumCrawlingLoopCount Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_Crawler_limitCrawlingLoopsOnly4Tunnels Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_Crawler_extendCrawlingRangeOnTurns Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_Crawler_allowUTurns Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_Crawler_astarEnabled Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_Crawler_astarFactor
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
allowUTurns xs:boolean true optional
U-turns are allowed when the vehicle is turning. All streets around the vehicle will be considered in the crawling algorithm. As well the streets which lay behind the vehicle and were probably passed by it before. As well the streets which have not the same direction as the considered heading of the vehicle.
astarEnabled xs:boolean false optional
The A* algorithm is used to improve the runtime. All paths are skipped, if they can no more lead to valid candidates because of the airline distance to the link radius around the destination.
astarFactor xs:double 1.0 optional
The factor which is specified by this option is used to weak the A* calculation.
crawlingCountTunnelJunctions xs:boolean false optional
It can be specified if junctions in tunnels will be also counted or not. Setting the parameter to true can be helpful to avoid long running requests if the parameter 'maximumCrawlingLoopCount' is not strong enough.
extendCrawlingRangeOnTurns xs:boolean true optional
Enlarge the search range. Enables special handling for turn detection. If the vehicle is turning the maximum crawling range is prolonged, meaning that additional candidates will be created even if the normal maximum crawling range is exceeded.
limitCrawlingLoopsOnly4Tunnels xs:boolean true optional
The loop limitation can be switched only for tunnel segments or for all net segments.
maximumCrawlingJunctionCount xs:integer 8 optional
This option specifies the maximum number of passed junctions during the crawling process. Only paths which passed less junctions than this are considered during crawling.
maximumCrawlingLoopCount xs:integer 3 optional
This option specifies the maximum number of passed loops during the crawling process. Only paths which passed less loops than this are considered during crawling.
movingDistanceRangeFactor xs:double 0.8 optional
The factor which is specified by this option is used to calculate the range in which the crawling algorithm operates. The crawling is done in a certain range which is calculated by multiplying 'movingDistanceRangeFactor' with the moving distance and substracting it from the moving distance to determine the lower range bound, and adding it to the moving distance to determine the upper range bound.
movingDistanceRangeMaximum Distance 15000 optional
If the calculated upper crawling range bounds (in meters) as described in 'movingDistanceRangeFactor' is larger than the 'movingDistanceRangeMaximum' as specified by this option, this 'movingDistanceRangeMaximum' is used instead.
movingDistanceRangeMinimum Distance 100 optional
If the calculated lower crawling range bounds (in meters) as described in 'movingDistanceRangeFactor' is smaller than the 'movingDistanceRangeMinimum' as specified by this option, this 'movingDistanceRangeMinimum' is used instead. Distance in meters.
Element Mapmatching / Weights
Namespace No namespace
Defines parameters of the weights to find candidate locations based on the raw location and the possible route. The sum of all ratings divided by the sum of all weights will result in a value between 0.0 and 1.0 which is named "local rating".

            The (effective) heading difference weight can be calculated dynamically for each position with respect to its speed. During slow movement, the given heading from a GPS signal
            may deviate strongly from the actual heading, so if the input position provides a low speed, the influence of the heading difference in the final rating can be reduced.
            Therefore a normal velocity can be provided as a "reference" speed for which the effective weight is to equal the normal heading difference weight. If the speed decreses,
            the effective weight decreases as well, and if the speed increases, the effective weight increases, too. To avoid too extreme variations in the weight, the range is bounded by
            configurable minimum and maximum values.

            All other weights are fixed to a single value, that can be configured directly.
Diagram Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_Weights_linkingDistanceRating Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_Weights_headingDifferenceRating Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_Weights_headingDifferenceRatingMinimum Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_Weights_headingDifferenceRatingNormal Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_Weights_headingDifferenceRatingMaximum Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_Weights_transitionRating Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_Weights_inputDataQualityRating Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_Weights_reducedHeadingDifferenceRating Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_Weights_HeadingDifferenceRatingParameters
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model ALL(HeadingDifferenceRatingParameters{0,1})
Children HeadingDifferenceRatingParameters
<Weights headingDifferenceRating="0.8" headingDifferenceRatingMaximum="0.8" headingDifferenceRatingMinimum="0.8" headingDifferenceRatingNormal="0.8" inputDataQualityRating="0.0" linkingDistanceRating="0.2" reducedHeadingDifferenceRating="0.25" transitionRating="0.0">
  <HeadingDifferenceRatingParameters normalVelocity="0.0">{0,1}</HeadingDifferenceRatingParameters>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
headingDifferenceRating xs:double 0.8 optional
The heading difference, meaning the difference between the candidate's heading and the current raw location's heading in degrees, is rated for each candidate using the rating function as described in Interpolation points for angle rating.
Must not be set if headingDifferenceRatingMinimum, headingDifferenceRatingNormal, headingDifferenceRatingMaximum or HeadingDifferenceRatingParameters/normalVelocity are set.
headingDifferenceRatingMaximum xs:double 0.8 optional
The heading difference, meaning the difference between the candidate's heading and the current raw location's heading in degrees, is rated for each candidate using the rating function as described in Interpolation points for angle rating.

                This attribute specifies the maximal weight of the heading difference for the local rating of a matched location. It is the upper bound for the effective heading difference weight (recalculated for each position by a formula depending on speed) which considers the heading tolerance of a candidate. The calculated heading difference weight never exceeds the value of this maximal heading difference weight.
headingDifferenceRatingMinimum xs:double 0.8 optional
The heading difference, meaning the difference between the candidate's heading and the current raw location's heading in degrees, is rated for each candidate using the rating function as described in Interpolation points for angle rating.

                This attribute specifies the minimal weight of the heading difference for the local rating of a matched location. It is the lower bound for the effective heading difference weight (recalculated for each position a formula depending on speed) which considers the heading tolerance of a candidate. The calculated heading difference weight never falls below the value of this minimal heading difference weight.
headingDifferenceRatingNormal xs:double 0.8 optional
The heading difference, meaning the difference between the candidate's heading and the current raw location's heading in degrees, is rated for each candidate using the rating function as described in Interpolation points for angle rating.

                This option specifies the normal weight of the heading difference for the local rating of a matched location. It is part of the formula to calculate the effective heading difference weight (recalculated for each position) which considers the heading tolerance of a candidate. The effective heading difference weight can't be greater than the maximal heading difference weight and can't be less than the minimal heading difference weight.

                If the driven velocity is equal to the normal velocity, the heading difference weigth is equal to the normal heading difference weight.
inputDataQualityRating xs:double 0.0 optional
The raw location quality of all candidates in a history element is considered for the calculation of the local rating. The raw location quality, which ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, may for example be the quality of a GPS position. The GPS position's quality is bad if there were fewer satellites available for positioning and is good if there are many satellites available. Other location providers may always have a position quality of 1.0.
linkingDistanceRating xs:double 0.2 optional
The linking distance, meaning the distance between a candidate location and the raw location, is rated for each candidate using the rating function as described in interpolation points for distance rating.
reducedHeadingDifferenceRating xs:double 0.25 optional
In some cases a reduced heading difference weighting is used for the angle rating of the local rating.
transitionRating xs:double 0.0 optional
The transition rating, meaning a quality rating of the driven distance of a candidate relative to the driven distance given by the raw location, is calculated for each candidate using the rating function as described in Interpolation points for transition rating.
Element Mapmatching / Weights / HeadingDifferenceRatingParameters
Namespace No namespace
This element specified parameters for the dynamic calculation of the heading difference weight.
Diagram Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_Weights_Mapmatching_Mapmatching_Weights_HeadingDifferenceRatingParameters_normalVelocity
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
normalVelocity xs:double 0.0 optional
This option specifies the velocity in meters per second which is used as base velocity to compute the ratio to the actual velocity in a position. The normal velocity is the velocity for which the effective heading difference weight equals the normal heading difference weight. If the velocity is lower (or higher), the effective weight will be lower (or higher, respectively) as well, bounded by a configurable minimum and maximum value.
Element Mapmatching / HistoryConsideration
Namespace No namespace
History consideration is used to trace back a possible driven route based on the specified TrackPositions. Consecutive candidates of a list of possible pathes will be stored in the history. For a new possible candidate all pathes will be considered. This is called global matching. When this feature is turned off, all trackPositions are matched local only, meaning that the mapmatcher will not try to reconstruct a driven route but only matches each position to the map by itself.
Diagram Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_HistoryConsideration_enabled Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_HistoryConsideration_maximumNumberOfConsecutiveFailedMatchings Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_HistoryConsideration_maximumNumberOfElementsInHistory Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_HistoryConsideration_maximumNumberOfCandidates Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_HistoryConsideration_maximumNumberOfBadPredecessors Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_HistoryConsideration_keepAllElementsInHistory Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_HistoryConsideration_UnstableMatchesConsideration
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model ALL(UnstableMatchesConsideration{0,1})
Children UnstableMatchesConsideration
<HistoryConsideration enabled="true" keepAllElementsInHistory="true" maximumNumberOfBadPredecessors="5" maximumNumberOfCandidates="15" maximumNumberOfConsecutiveFailedMatchings="50" maximumNumberOfElementsInHistory="900">
  <UnstableMatchesConsideration enabled="true" minimumRatioBetweenBestAndOtherCandidates="1.0">{0,1}</UnstableMatchesConsideration>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
enabled xs:boolean true optional
History consideration is used to trace back a possible driven route based on the specified TrackPositions. Consecutive candidates of a list of possible pathes will be stored in the history. For a new possible candidate all pathes will be considered. This is called global matching. When this feature is turned off, all trackPositions are matched local only, meaning that the mapmatcher will not try to reconstruct a driven route but only matches each position to the map by itself.
keepAllElementsInHistory xs:boolean true optional
Enables the possibility to save all predecessor matched locations if they are merged into the successors. This functionality only applies, if the limit of the history elements is reached. No matched location will be removed of the history.
maximumNumberOfBadPredecessors xs:integer 5 optional
A number of consecutive candidates on one possible path are stored in the history. This value limits the number of candidates with a bad quality. The size of the history increases by this value.
maximumNumberOfCandidates xs:integer 15 optional
Each potential candidate during map matching is rated. Only the best potential candidates are kept and made to real candidates while the rest of them are discarded. This option specifies many of the best-rated candidates are kept.
maximumNumberOfConsecutiveFailedMatchings xs:integer 50 optional
The maximum number of attempts to redo a history matching if previous history matchings failed.
If no succesful global matching can be done, the mapmatcher will at this position start over again with a clean history. Usually this leaves a gap in the matched track.
maximumNumberOfElementsInHistory xs:integer 900 optional
The maximum number of elements in the history. They will be used for the calculation of the positions. The higher the value the higher the need of memory. Note that the minimum value for this setting is 3!
Element Mapmatching / HistoryConsideration / UnstableMatchesConsideration
Namespace No namespace
The best path should be signaled on a history loss or at the end of a track if it is good enough.
Diagram Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_HistoryConsideration_Mapmatching_Mapmatching_HistoryConsideration_UnstableMatchesConsideration_enabled Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_HistoryConsideration_Mapmatching_Mapmatching_HistoryConsideration_UnstableMatchesConsideration_minimumRatioBetweenBestAndOtherCandidates
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
enabled xs:boolean true optional
Determines whether the best path should be signaled on a history loss or at the end of a track if it is good enough.
minimumRatioBetweenBestAndOtherCandidates xs:float 1.0 optional
The minimal ratio between the two best paths, to determine whether the best is sufficiently better than the alternatives.
To get the best path the ratio has to be better (greater) or equal than this minimal ratio. To get always the best path the minimal ratio has to be 1.0.
Element Mapmatching / GeometricDeviations
Namespace No namespace
Defines geometric devitations between the specified TrackPositions and a potential candidate.
Diagram Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_GeometricDeviations_maximumDistanceBetweenTrackPositionAndCandidate Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_GeometricDeviations_maximumHeadingDifference Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_GeometricDeviations_standstillDetectionSpeedThreshold Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_GeometricDeviations_maximumPathRatingQuotient Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_GeometricDeviations_MaximumLinkingDistanceExtension
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model ALL(MaximumLinkingDistanceExtension{0,1})
Children MaximumLinkingDistanceExtension
<GeometricDeviations maximumDistanceBetweenTrackPositionAndCandidate="25" maximumHeadingDifference="120.0" maximumPathRatingQuotient="10.0" standstillDetectionSpeedThreshold="1.2">
  <MaximumLinkingDistanceExtension distance="100" enabled="true">{0,1}</MaximumLinkingDistanceExtension>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
maximumDistanceBetweenTrackPositionAndCandidate Distance 25 optional
The maximum distance in meters between the specified TrackPosition and a potential candidate. The position of the potential candidate is the linked position to a segment of the map.
maximumHeadingDifference Angle 120.0 optional
The maximum angle difference in degrees of the heading between the specified TrackPosition and a potential candidate.
maximumPathRatingQuotient xs:double 10.0 optional
Each potential candidate during map matching is rated which results in the path rating. The path rating specifies the rating of the path that starts at the last stable position and ends at the current candidate. The quotient specified by this option is the maximum accepted quotient between the best candidate's path rating and another candidate's path rating. If the quotient is above 'maximumPathRatingQuotient', the potential candidate is discarded.
standstillDetectionSpeedThreshold xs:double 1.2 optional
The speed up to which a vehicle is considered to be standing still in meters per second (m/s). If the speed is below this threshold the vehicle is considered to be standing still. If the speed is above this threshold, it is considered to be moving.
Element Mapmatching / GeometricDeviations / MaximumLinkingDistanceExtension
Namespace No namespace
Please note that the parameter will be only used for enabled history consideration (global matching).
                  If no history is present (history lost), the next position is matched locally with the usual (un-extended) linking radius.
                  If this match is successful, the linking radius is extended (with an initial value) and the local matching is repeated with the new radius.

                  For the next positions, with each position the linking radius extension is decreased by the respective
                  distance estimations until it reaches 0. While the linking radius is extended, there is no reduction of
                  paths based on the rating, and no minimal distance between candidates.

                  Using the linking radius extension, further segments can be found during the local matching,
                  which increases the chance to find the correct one, especially after driving off-road
                  (e.g. on private ground, or outside of the map data area).
Diagram Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_GeometricDeviations_Mapmatching_Mapmatching_GeometricDeviations_MaximumLinkingDistanceExtension_enabled Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_GeometricDeviations_Mapmatching_Mapmatching_GeometricDeviations_MaximumLinkingDistanceExtension_distance
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
distance xs:integer 100 optional
The initial linking radius extension in meters, which is used to extend the linking radius after the first local matching was successful.
enabled xs:boolean true optional
Determines whether the linking radius is extended after history lost.
Element Mapmatching / RoutingRestrictions
Namespace No namespace
Defines the parameter that control whether the route restrictions could be broken (violated).
Diagram Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_RoutingRestrictions_considerBlockedSegments Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Mapmatching_RoutingRestrictions_considerTurningBans
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
considerBlockedSegments xs:boolean true optional
The consideration of blocking information. Blocking information is used during map matching for blocked streets/roads and for one-way streets. Only those roads which are allowed to be driven on in the respective direction are considered.
considerTurningBans xs:boolean false optional
The consideration of turning bans.
Complex Type Mapmatching
Namespace No namespace
Defines Mapmatching parameters.
Diagram Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_majorVersion Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_minorVersion Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_probabilityBonusForBestCandidate Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_probabilityOutputThreshold Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Crawler Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_Weights Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_HistoryConsideration Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_GeometricDeviations Mapmatching_xsd.tmp#Mapmatching_RoutingRestrictions
Used by
Model ALL(Crawler{0,1} Weights{0,1} HistoryConsideration{0,1} GeometricDeviations{0,1} RoutingRestrictions{0,1})
Children Crawler, GeometricDeviations, HistoryConsideration, RoutingRestrictions, Weights
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
majorVersion xs:integer 1 required
The major version of the Mapmatching element.
minorVersion xs:integer 0 required
The minor version of the Mapmatching element.
probabilityBonusForBestCandidate xs:double 0.8 optional
For each candidate of an element a probability is calculated using the local rating of this candidate. Local rating is if the probability of one point will be considered allone without other points. Only if the probability of a candidate is above a certain threshold this candidate is signaled. The best candidate (the candidate with the best local rating) also receives a bonus to its local rating before said calculation is done. This option specifies the bonus which is added to the best candidate's local rating.
probabilityOutputThreshold xs:double 0.1 optional
For each candidate of an element a probability is calculated using the local rating of this candidate. Only if the probability of a candidate is above a certain threshold this candidate is signaled.
Attribute Mapmatching / Crawler / @movingDistanceRangeFactor
Namespace No namespace
The factor which is specified by this option is used to calculate the range in which the crawling algorithm operates. The crawling is done in a certain range which is calculated by multiplying 'movingDistanceRangeFactor' with the moving distance and substracting it from the moving distance to determine the lower range bound, and adding it to the moving distance to determine the upper range bound.
Type xs:double
use: optional
default: 0.8
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / Crawler / @movingDistanceRangeMinimum
Namespace No namespace
If the calculated lower crawling range bounds (in meters) as described in 'movingDistanceRangeFactor' is smaller than the 'movingDistanceRangeMinimum' as specified by this option, this 'movingDistanceRangeMinimum' is used instead. Distance in meters.
Type Distance
use: optional
default: 100
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / Crawler / @movingDistanceRangeMaximum
Namespace No namespace
If the calculated upper crawling range bounds (in meters) as described in 'movingDistanceRangeFactor' is larger than the 'movingDistanceRangeMaximum' as specified by this option, this 'movingDistanceRangeMaximum' is used instead.
Type Distance
use: optional
default: 15000
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / Crawler / @maximumCrawlingJunctionCount
Namespace No namespace
This option specifies the maximum number of passed junctions during the crawling process. Only paths which passed less junctions than this are considered during crawling.
Type xs:integer
use: optional
default: 8
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / Crawler / @crawlingCountTunnelJunctions
Namespace No namespace
It can be specified if junctions in tunnels will be also counted or not. Setting the parameter to true can be helpful to avoid long running requests if the parameter 'maximumCrawlingLoopCount' is not strong enough.
Type xs:boolean
use: optional
default: false
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / Crawler / @maximumCrawlingLoopCount
Namespace No namespace
This option specifies the maximum number of passed loops during the crawling process. Only paths which passed less loops than this are considered during crawling.
Type xs:integer
use: optional
default: 3
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / Crawler / @limitCrawlingLoopsOnly4Tunnels
Namespace No namespace
The loop limitation can be switched only for tunnel segments or for all net segments.
Type xs:boolean
use: optional
default: true
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / Crawler / @extendCrawlingRangeOnTurns
Namespace No namespace
Enlarge the search range. Enables special handling for turn detection. If the vehicle is turning the maximum crawling range is prolonged, meaning that additional candidates will be created even if the normal maximum crawling range is exceeded.
Type xs:boolean
use: optional
default: true
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / Crawler / @allowUTurns
Namespace No namespace
U-turns are allowed when the vehicle is turning. All streets around the vehicle will be considered in the crawling algorithm. As well the streets which lay behind the vehicle and were probably passed by it before. As well the streets which have not the same direction as the considered heading of the vehicle.
Type xs:boolean
use: optional
default: true
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / Crawler / @astarEnabled
Namespace No namespace
The A* algorithm is used to improve the runtime. All paths are skipped, if they can no more lead to valid candidates because of the airline distance to the link radius around the destination.
Type xs:boolean
use: optional
default: false
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / Crawler / @astarFactor
Namespace No namespace
The factor which is specified by this option is used to weak the A* calculation.
Type xs:double
use: optional
default: 1.0
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / Weights / HeadingDifferenceRatingParameters / @normalVelocity
Namespace No namespace
This option specifies the velocity in meters per second which is used as base velocity to compute the ratio to the actual velocity in a position. The normal velocity is the velocity for which the effective heading difference weight equals the normal heading difference weight. If the velocity is lower (or higher), the effective weight will be lower (or higher, respectively) as well, bounded by a configurable minimum and maximum value.
Type xs:double
use: optional
default: 0.0
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / Weights / @linkingDistanceRating
Namespace No namespace
The linking distance, meaning the distance between a candidate location and the raw location, is rated for each candidate using the rating function as described in interpolation points for distance rating.
Type xs:double
use: optional
default: 0.2
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / Weights / @headingDifferenceRating
Namespace No namespace
The heading difference, meaning the difference between the candidate's heading and the current raw location's heading in degrees, is rated for each candidate using the rating function as described in Interpolation points for angle rating.
Must not be set if headingDifferenceRatingMinimum, headingDifferenceRatingNormal, headingDifferenceRatingMaximum or HeadingDifferenceRatingParameters/normalVelocity are set.
Type xs:double
use: optional
default: 0.8
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / Weights / @headingDifferenceRatingMinimum
Namespace No namespace
The heading difference, meaning the difference between the candidate's heading and the current raw location's heading in degrees, is rated for each candidate using the rating function as described in Interpolation points for angle rating.

                This attribute specifies the minimal weight of the heading difference for the local rating of a matched location. It is the lower bound for the effective heading difference weight (recalculated for each position a formula depending on speed) which considers the heading tolerance of a candidate. The calculated heading difference weight never falls below the value of this minimal heading difference weight.
Type xs:double
use: optional
default: 0.8
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / Weights / @headingDifferenceRatingNormal
Namespace No namespace
The heading difference, meaning the difference between the candidate's heading and the current raw location's heading in degrees, is rated for each candidate using the rating function as described in Interpolation points for angle rating.

                This option specifies the normal weight of the heading difference for the local rating of a matched location. It is part of the formula to calculate the effective heading difference weight (recalculated for each position) which considers the heading tolerance of a candidate. The effective heading difference weight can't be greater than the maximal heading difference weight and can't be less than the minimal heading difference weight.

                If the driven velocity is equal to the normal velocity, the heading difference weigth is equal to the normal heading difference weight.
Type xs:double
use: optional
default: 0.8
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / Weights / @headingDifferenceRatingMaximum
Namespace No namespace
The heading difference, meaning the difference between the candidate's heading and the current raw location's heading in degrees, is rated for each candidate using the rating function as described in Interpolation points for angle rating.

                This attribute specifies the maximal weight of the heading difference for the local rating of a matched location. It is the upper bound for the effective heading difference weight (recalculated for each position by a formula depending on speed) which considers the heading tolerance of a candidate. The calculated heading difference weight never exceeds the value of this maximal heading difference weight.
Type xs:double
use: optional
default: 0.8
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / Weights / @transitionRating
Namespace No namespace
The transition rating, meaning a quality rating of the driven distance of a candidate relative to the driven distance given by the raw location, is calculated for each candidate using the rating function as described in Interpolation points for transition rating.
Type xs:double
use: optional
default: 0.0
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / Weights / @inputDataQualityRating
Namespace No namespace
The raw location quality of all candidates in a history element is considered for the calculation of the local rating. The raw location quality, which ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, may for example be the quality of a GPS position. The GPS position's quality is bad if there were fewer satellites available for positioning and is good if there are many satellites available. Other location providers may always have a position quality of 1.0.
Type xs:double
use: optional
default: 0.0
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / Weights / @reducedHeadingDifferenceRating
Namespace No namespace
In some cases a reduced heading difference weighting is used for the angle rating of the local rating.
Type xs:double
use: optional
default: 0.25
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / HistoryConsideration / UnstableMatchesConsideration / @enabled
Namespace No namespace
Determines whether the best path should be signaled on a history loss or at the end of a track if it is good enough.
Type xs:boolean
use: optional
default: true
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / HistoryConsideration / UnstableMatchesConsideration / @minimumRatioBetweenBestAndOtherCandidates
Namespace No namespace
The minimal ratio between the two best paths, to determine whether the best is sufficiently better than the alternatives.
To get the best path the ratio has to be better (greater) or equal than this minimal ratio. To get always the best path the minimal ratio has to be 1.0.
Type xs:float
use: optional
default: 1.0
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / HistoryConsideration / @enabled
Namespace No namespace
History consideration is used to trace back a possible driven route based on the specified TrackPositions. Consecutive candidates of a list of possible pathes will be stored in the history. For a new possible candidate all pathes will be considered. This is called global matching. When this feature is turned off, all trackPositions are matched local only, meaning that the mapmatcher will not try to reconstruct a driven route but only matches each position to the map by itself.
Type xs:boolean
use: optional
default: true
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / HistoryConsideration / @maximumNumberOfConsecutiveFailedMatchings
Namespace No namespace
The maximum number of attempts to redo a history matching if previous history matchings failed.
If no succesful global matching can be done, the mapmatcher will at this position start over again with a clean history. Usually this leaves a gap in the matched track.
Type xs:integer
use: optional
default: 50
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / HistoryConsideration / @maximumNumberOfElementsInHistory
Namespace No namespace
The maximum number of elements in the history. They will be used for the calculation of the positions. The higher the value the higher the need of memory. Note that the minimum value for this setting is 3!
Type xs:integer
use: optional
default: 900
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / HistoryConsideration / @maximumNumberOfCandidates
Namespace No namespace
Each potential candidate during map matching is rated. Only the best potential candidates are kept and made to real candidates while the rest of them are discarded. This option specifies many of the best-rated candidates are kept.
Type xs:integer
use: optional
default: 15
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / HistoryConsideration / @maximumNumberOfBadPredecessors
Namespace No namespace
A number of consecutive candidates on one possible path are stored in the history. This value limits the number of candidates with a bad quality. The size of the history increases by this value.
Type xs:integer
use: optional
default: 5
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / HistoryConsideration / @keepAllElementsInHistory
Namespace No namespace
Enables the possibility to save all predecessor matched locations if they are merged into the successors. This functionality only applies, if the limit of the history elements is reached. No matched location will be removed of the history.
Type xs:boolean
use: optional
default: true
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / GeometricDeviations / MaximumLinkingDistanceExtension / @enabled
Namespace No namespace
Determines whether the linking radius is extended after history lost.
Type xs:boolean
use: optional
default: true
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / GeometricDeviations / MaximumLinkingDistanceExtension / @distance
Namespace No namespace
The initial linking radius extension in meters, which is used to extend the linking radius after the first local matching was successful.
Type xs:integer
use: optional
default: 100
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / GeometricDeviations / @maximumDistanceBetweenTrackPositionAndCandidate
Namespace No namespace
The maximum distance in meters between the specified TrackPosition and a potential candidate. The position of the potential candidate is the linked position to a segment of the map.
Type Distance
use: optional
default: 25
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / GeometricDeviations / @maximumHeadingDifference
Namespace No namespace
The maximum angle difference in degrees of the heading between the specified TrackPosition and a potential candidate.
Type Angle
use: optional
default: 120.0
maxInclusive 360.0
minInclusive 0.0
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / GeometricDeviations / @standstillDetectionSpeedThreshold
Namespace No namespace
The speed up to which a vehicle is considered to be standing still in meters per second (m/s). If the speed is below this threshold the vehicle is considered to be standing still. If the speed is above this threshold, it is considered to be moving.
Type xs:double
use: optional
default: 1.2
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / GeometricDeviations / @maximumPathRatingQuotient
Namespace No namespace
Each potential candidate during map matching is rated which results in the path rating. The path rating specifies the rating of the path that starts at the last stable position and ends at the current candidate. The quotient specified by this option is the maximum accepted quotient between the best candidate's path rating and another candidate's path rating. If the quotient is above 'maximumPathRatingQuotient', the potential candidate is discarded.
Type xs:double
use: optional
default: 10.0
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / RoutingRestrictions / @considerBlockedSegments
Namespace No namespace
The consideration of blocking information. Blocking information is used during map matching for blocked streets/roads and for one-way streets. Only those roads which are allowed to be driven on in the respective direction are considered.
Type xs:boolean
use: optional
default: true
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / RoutingRestrictions / @considerTurningBans
Namespace No namespace
The consideration of turning bans.
Type xs:boolean
use: optional
default: false
Used by
Attribute Mapmatching / @majorVersion
Namespace No namespace
The major version of the Mapmatching element.
Type xs:integer
use: required
fixed: 1
Used by
Complex Type Mapmatching
Attribute Mapmatching / @minorVersion
Namespace No namespace
The minor version of the Mapmatching element.
Type xs:integer
use: required
fixed: 0
Used by
Complex Type Mapmatching
Attribute Mapmatching / @probabilityBonusForBestCandidate
Namespace No namespace
For each candidate of an element a probability is calculated using the local rating of this candidate. Local rating is if the probability of one point will be considered allone without other points. Only if the probability of a candidate is above a certain threshold this candidate is signaled. The best candidate (the candidate with the best local rating) also receives a bonus to its local rating before said calculation is done. This option specifies the bonus which is added to the best candidate's local rating.
Type xs:double
use: optional
default: 0.8
Used by
Complex Type Mapmatching
Attribute Mapmatching / @probabilityOutputThreshold
Namespace No namespace
For each candidate of an element a probability is calculated using the local rating of this candidate. Only if the probability of a candidate is above a certain threshold this candidate is signaled.
Type xs:double
use: optional
default: 0.1
Used by
Complex Type Mapmatching